Myra Infante Sheridan

Myra Infante Sheridan
“There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.”
― Ernest Hemingway

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Finishing up my thesis...

This is the week it all gets finished! I can feel it! That plus I HAVE to in order to give it to my committee to review in time. The following are important dates in relation to my thesis:
March 21st - 1st completed rough draft to committee and graduate office
March 28th - meet with graduate office about formatting
April 8th - deadline for online submission of rough draft
May 2nd - last day I can defend
May 10th - deadline for online submission of final
May 14th - graduation

I know it sounds complicated, but I keep repeating these dates in my mind so that I can make sure to do all I have to.

Not just because I'm an aspiring writer, but because it has become a part of who I am, I've developed the habit of writing everything down. I think more clearly this way.

Oh, and I have to formulate a plan for revisions as well. So far, I plan to use the ABYDOS ratiocination, and add imagery to setting in transitional parts of the plot. Also, I'd like to add more depth to my characters. Maybe some idiosyncrasies a la Winesburg, Ohio. We'll see.

I'm excited. I just need to stay focused.
Here's the plan for the next five days.
Today: Finish last four stories (eek! They're all started; I just need to buckle down and finish them.)
Friday-Sunday: Revise, Revise, Revise
Sunday night: go print out copy at UTPA computer lab

Another thing I can't forget is that I have to catch up on my ABYDOS readings! If I only sleep four hours a night for the rest of the week, I have about 80 hours worth of work I can do.

Oh and add to all that, my teacher work! Okay, I have a very busy 2 months ahead of me. I can do this! A little bit at a time is all it takes.