Myra Infante Sheridan

Myra Infante Sheridan
“There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.”
― Ernest Hemingway

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I did it!

I got on a my bike and pedaled properly. I think it counts for riding a bike! I'm looking forward to more bike riding practice. Ian said to me a couple of days ago that once you "get it" you don't think about balancing anymore and I think he's right. For the few seconds I was actually riding, I didn't have to worry about balancing because I was just riding. WOOT! I know this is strange coming from a 38 yr old, but my parents never taught me how to ride.  They were always too busy with work and church. :( Anyway.... I think I'm getting the hang of it!!!

I took a two hour nap after my shower and it felt great. I was tempted to stay awake and read, but I made myself take a nap because I haven't been getting enough sleep the past few days. 

When I woke up, Ian still wasn't hungry.  One of my concerns about being married was that Ian prefers home cooked meals to restaurant meals. I wasn't too confident about my cooking skills, but I knew I could follow a recipe.  After two months of cooking almost every day, I'm quite at ease with the routine.  I actually enjoy cooking and when we have gone out to eat, I feel a little guilty. The problem I now face is deciding what to make.  I just need to print out some recipes and shop for the ingredients. If I have a recipe and ingredients, I think I'll be able to make any meal!

So, tonight, hoping to ease the burden of deciding what to cook, I asked Ian what he would like to eat. He opted for leftovers. We had leftovers from three different meals I've made in the past few days. That was easy!

Tomorrow we have a busy day.  Work in the morning, Ian's driving test in the afternoon, and Anne is coming over for dinner and a movie in the evening. We're ordering pizza and I'm making a salad. :)

Have I worked on Kayla's song? Not really. Sad face. But, I did look up something called fruity loops for putting a track together.

I'm still reading THE HOBBIT.  I need to start reading up for my Mexican Moses stories.

1 comment:

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