It's 5:46 am and I can't sleep because I'm coughing. I started feeling ill on Sunday, and found out from a doctor on Monday that I have bronchitis. Not the best timing in the world! Ironically, I had been thanking my lucky stars that I hadn't been sick all this semester. My first semester teaching was a doozie (someone mentioned I had to be aclimatized to student germs.)
I had perfect attendance all school year, but unfortunately had to call in sick two days this week. BIG BOOOOO... I've been trying to get rest, but I have so much work to do that it's been difficult to allow myself to recuperate. Today I should finish with another class, so that will aleviate some of the burden.
I'm meeting with the Office of International Programs today to fill out some paperwork for my trip. I'm also hoping to meet with two of the professors on my thesis committee (not sure if they'll be on campus.)
I broke my netbook yesterday. I didn't realize how fragile they are. I've literally kicked my macbook off my bed and cringed as it hit the wall and fell on the floor (several times) and it still works perfectly. The netbook slipped from my hands on carpet and the lcd screen spiderwebbed. $325 down the drain! I've been given some hope it can be repaired, but even then it'll cost about $100 to replace the screen. Yesterday was not a good day.
I've signed up for the minimester (Chicano/Chicana Poetry). A few years ago I took a political science class as a minimester. I remember it being tough keeping up. I've already ordered my books on, but I'm not sure they'll get here on time. The class runs from May 17 until June 4th and AFTER I got confirmation of my order I notice shipping date could be as late as June 1st. waaahhh. Emmy said she'd have the books on reserve at the library just in case.
I feel like I'm running out of time! Just a little over 3 weeks before I leave and I have to officially finish this spring semester at UTPA, close out the school year at Donna High School, do the minimester at UTPA and get ready for the trip. I have a feeling I'll be rushing the next 23 days.
I decided to mail myself my books (my reading list for my thesis). A lot of them are chicano literature, so they won't be available in the UK. I did find out however that a library in Essex County has a Junot Diaz book (woot! Thanks to the Sheridan Family for trying to get my books for me so I don't have to lug them around as I travel!) My books are weighing in at at about 24 lbs and I've decided to ship my broken netbook as well to try and get it repaired over there. If it can't be repaired, I'll have to buy a new one.
I've received The Globe tickets for my Macbeth Study Day (with experts British University professors!) and for the midnight performance of "A Midsummer's Night Dream". Still waiting for tickets to the actual Macbeth performance. I hope my parents didn't throw them away by mistake. My dad had already opened the "Midsummer" tickets by mistake and my mother yelled at him. teehee...
Okay, it's 6:02 am and time to get my day started. Want to get decent parking at UTPA.
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