Went to the early bird showing of “Letters to Juliet.” The young American blonde girl, who works as a fact checker for The New Yorker, aspires to be a writer, and is in an unhappy relationship with Gael Garcia Bernal. Farfetched, but he was playing a wanna be Italian. At first, I thought they had given him an Italian role, and I thought yay versatile Mexican actor, but towards the end of the movie, as they make him more a jerk, we find out he’s a wanna be Italian. The plot has its problems and the writing does as well (ironic since the Amanda Seyfried is playing a writer.) BUT, once the soppiness began, I got happy. :D How can you resist a story about an American girl falling in love with a British boy? When the secretaries of Juliet say Englishmen are cold, the British Boy reminds them Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet. LOVE IT!
The rest of the day was a lazy, guilt-less day. No homework and no worries.
Taught Sunday School to itty bitty kids—have one more class to teach. I’ve been trying to quit for ages, but there is no one who wants to take over the class. I must admit, the littlies have grown on me. I posted pics on Twitter (link on my page) I had to teach them the Lord’s Prayer. I don’t think they got it.
Took a nap after lunch (yay at Sunday afternoon naps!) Now I’m thinking about going shopping. ☺
Tomorrow hectic schedule starts again! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!
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