Myra Infante Sheridan

Myra Infante Sheridan
“There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.”
― Ernest Hemingway

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Gender Roles at the Nail Salon

Do you have a hypocritometer? You know-- a device to measure how much of a hypocrite you are being?

Well I have one that needs batteries and comes to life all on its own at the oddest moments.

I like having my nails done, but because of lack of time and funds I often go without my guilty pleasure (I have MANY guilty pleasures.) Initally, I decided NOT to get my nails done and simply give myself home manis while in London. In the countdown-to-the-trip frenzy, I zipped into a nail salon as it opened. To assuage the guilt, I grabbed my Xicanista literature to read as I waited. Am I being a hyporcrite by getting my nails done? Do true feminists-- true Chicanas even care about their nails? The answer is -- I don't know. For now we'll adopt a "I can do what I want" philosophy. :D

I wasn't the first person in the salon. A young African American male was already getting a pedi as I walked in. I wish my brain was so p.c. that I didn't notice such things, but it's not. I did, however, think, "Good for him!" That was incident one.

Incident two: The Asian man who did my nails was a man after my own heart. The electric nail filer (I'm not sure what it's called) had rhinestones all over it. I rationlized that he must be borrowing someone else's work space. But, no. It took him about 3 minutes to meticulously arrange the towel on the work table, his rhinestone covered lotion bottle, very cute jewelry box type thing for the powder they use on the nails, and all the other adorable containers he needed to do my nails. I thought he must be gay, but then I remembered what Emmy says, "It's rude to assume someone is heterosexual when you first meet them." By the same token, why should I assume this man is gay because he likes sparkly things? Why are cute things only reserved for women? Not fair, I say.

So as I got my nails done and read about Chincan@s, my brain experienced new thoughts. I think this justifies my getting my nails done. :D

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