Myra Infante Sheridan

Myra Infante Sheridan
“There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.”
― Ernest Hemingway

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


The last few weeks have been CRAZY to say the least. I keep thinking I need to write about this whenever I hear or see something interesting. I think this means I'm starting to think as a writer.

Most days there isn't enough time to process all that happens to us-- too bad.

My Chican@ poetry class has been amazing to say the least. It is everything that education should be-- discovery and life-changing. I look forward to making Chican@ literature a part of my life long learning.

Only two more days to class and I have to turn in my final paper "Coming Out Chican@" in which I explain how I and others embrace the Chican@ identity and label (See one of my previous blogs about the definition of Chicano/a a.k.a Chican@.)

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